What you lookin at?

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Last Ohio Rant

I didn’t want to do it, but I am forced to talk about certain recent events. Notably, I feel compelled to visit the IRS scandal and Obamacare. I know what you’re thinking: “Oh Lord, can’t we just get away from this stuff for a while?” Sorry. No.

I’ll try to make this short.

On the issue of Obamacare, the recent announcement by the Executive branch that they will delay enforcement of the Employee Mandate for at least a year certainly raised a lot of eyebrows, including mine.  The idea that the President can on his own authority decide not to enforce a specific law is quite astounding. I know he has done similar things before: selectively ignoring enforcement of immigration laws, failing to prosecute favored groups (think Black Panther voter intimidation or John Corzine). Yet, the Employee Mandate is an issue on a whole new level above anything else so far.

And then it just gets juicier.

The House of Representatives very soon after introduced and passed two bills. One would delay the Employer Mandate by one year according to law, not Presidential whim. The other would delay the Individual Mandate for the same time.  This is entirely logical in that the Individual Mandate requires the Employer Mandate and vice versa for the whole Obamacare scheme to have any chance of working. It is also a matter of fairness. Why should businesses and corporations get off the hook but individuals do not?

So what was Obama’s immediate reaction? He said he would veto both bills if they passed the Senate.

It boggles. Seriously, it does.

This President would veto a bill extending the time for implementation of the Employer Mandate that would allow him to do legally what he is willing to do illegally. After all, he is bound by the Constitution and his oath of office to enforce all laws, and failure to do so, by definition, is not legal. By what possible calculus does he conclude that he would rather delay the mandate illegally than legally? From what I have seen, there are no hidden strings, no poison pills in the two bills. They simply delay the implementation of the two mandates for the time the President already announced.

The only possible explanation is that this is pure politics, nothing else. There is no care for the good of the nation; no thought to the well being of the people; no sense of responsibility to govern according to the rule of law and the framework of the Constitution; no weighing of what is right and wrong. This is simply partisan and political.

If you were looking for an example of just how morally and ethically corrupt this administration is, you need look no further.

Speaking of corruptness, how about that IRS, heh?

So a lot of people are convinced that the IRS was doing the President’s bidding in singling out Tea Party and conservative groups and politicians for denial of tax exempt status or for subjection to special and improper audits. Recent Congressional hearings have made it clear that this was not the work of a few “rogue agents” in Cincinnati. Rather, we know now that Lois Lerner was deeply involved, as was William Wilkins, IRS Special Counsel and one of the Presidents two political appointees to the IRS. The big question is how high up did the decision making go, possibly all the way to the Oval Office?

I know a lot of people are hoping that it does lead right to the President, because that creates a scandal even bigger than Watergate and probably with the same final result. Obama is so disliked by so many that anything that takes him down is something to be hoped for.

I too hope it leads high up the political food chain but I sincerely hope that it is not shown to be the result of direction by the President or his close advisers. That may sound odd given my dislike of Obama and the liberal/progressive crowd, and I do pretty much loathe them. I do not want to see the President impeached or forced to resign from all this. I want this to be political, and it would be pretty good if a bunch of Dems got their panties all twisted up, but I don't want to see the whole Monty. In short, I want it political as opposed to a Federal agency out of control, but not so high it takes the President all the way down.

Let me explain.

If Obama goes, who are we left with? Biden. I shudder at the thought.

Consider also that if this is not at the direction of political operatives, and if this is just a federal agency out of control, what does that mean?  As we see one IRS official after another stonewall, express ignorance, lie and/or plead the fifth, and none of them so far held accountable for any of it, it means that the bureaucracy has grown so huge and so independent and so insulated that it can no longer be controlled by its political masters. It means that we are officially now working for the IRS and not the other way around.

We can fix a corrupt politician. Ultimately our votes put them out of office and out of our misery. But you can’t vote out the IRS, or the EPA, or the NLRB. Not directly. All you can do is vote for politicians who say they will control the bureaucrats. If the politicians have completely lost control, then we as a constitutional republic are doomed.

We need to reign in this bureaucratic monster somehow. How?

This is my last rant from Columbus, Ohio. My next one will come to you from Boise, Idaho, where the lovely Miss Cheryl and I are moving the week of July 29. Perhaps the new clime will improve my outlook if not my ranting ability.